Week 5

 Week 5

Gender Differences

This is an interesting topic to talk about. Nowadays, the voice of women is getting stronger for gender equalization which needs to happen already. 

In Korea, we had a huge bias of gender differences. Men have to work for earning money. Women have to stay at home and do all the housework. Since I am a male, so I have to work for my family. It didn't change. I think this is what the church teaches as well. However, many women want to work for their careers. Their first choice would be money than having a family. In fact that the new birth rate got decreased. I think this rate was influenced by people who want to earn money.  It is so hard to raise children without money in Korea. They have to so much money for their education. The hosing price is very expensive. You won't be able to own your house in Seoul even if you work for whole your life. In addition to this, since both parents are working for their living, they have time to spend with their children. Because of that, they rather live themselves than have a child. It shows that how men and women are being equalized. However, it was supposed to happen in the past. We are all children of God. No one is different than the other. Men and women have to take social responsibility together. People need to be hired according to their ability to work than their gender. I hope everything would be fair in every situation.

Also, according to their gender, you might want to do something different. I read the article and it contained the research that little girls like girl's toys a lot more than boy's toys. It shows that there are so many things that they have differences in. I thought that was interesting research to look at. For example, I have two different groups of friends. One of them has only men. Another has both men and women. The first group likes to play games and sports, but the other likes to talk other than doing something else. I think that is something similar to the research I read. I really liked observing two different groups.

I know that we can't live without the opposite gender. We should learn from each other. When we live this life together, we will improve ourselves to be better people. 

This week, I was able to think about an interesting topic which is same-sex attraction. In Korea, it is still not acceptable. People are trying to hide who they like. I can understand because they will be treated differently, and have disadvantages as well. No one would take that. However, in the USA, people started to accept same-sex attraction. Honestly, they need to be accepted in society because it is not a sin. It is a sin in God's point of view, but it could happen. I think that our job is to help them overcome the struggles that they have if we can. 

 In the class, Brother Williams gave an example. Someone said, "I found out that my 4-year-old boy is gay. I am glad I know how to treat them." It surprised me in two ways. One was discussed in the class. Why gay needs to be treated differently. I was thinking about this. I didn't get it. They are the same as others. They eat the same thing, and they study the same thing. They shouldn't be treated differently. Another thing is that how people could tell that a 4-year-old kid is gay. He is only 4. He wouldn't even know what it is. All I know is that we should not judge others. It is so hard. I am judging others for sure, but we need to strive to understand them. 

This week, I enjoyed studying these topics. They would be very sensitive topics. However, if we open our hearts to learn and understand others, we can solve the problems. There are many people that struggling. We need to recognize that they need help from us. Also, we need to realize that we are all different. When we humbly accept the differences, the world would be the better place to live.


