Week 8

Week 8

At the begging of the class on Tuesday, we talked about how we liked or disliked this class so far. Personally, this is my favorite class this semester. I don't talk too much, but I enjoy listening to others. Because we have so many discussions, I am able to know many different thoughts from others not only from the professor.

 This week, I was able to study and think about sexuality in marriage. I haven't thought about it before. I guess I didn't really need to think about this. However, I was able to think differently. I thought that sex wouldn't be a problem after marriage. I thought everything would be allowed. Apparently, this is a wrong thought. They are partners. It means that they need to agree on things. If they don't communicate well, it might cause a problem and it could hurt the relationship in the marriage. I think that we need to study and learn how to have an appropriate sexual relationship with a wife or husband.

Also, in the class, we discussed the differences between men and women. I thought about what differences we have and what problems might occur in couples. As a group, we talked about a couple of things. First, we talked about the power between man and woman. One of them might want to take a lead or have more power in a couple. I thought that I need to find a power balance. We talked about understanding between those two. Everyone is different because the conditions are different for each one of us. Because of that, we have to understand your partner. You can figure those things out step by step. In this process, you can know that if he or she could be the one that you can spend your time forever. If it didn't work out well, then you can think of another way like breaking up with him or her.

I was able to read through the reading materials. I recognized that the wrong sexual relationship caused a few problems such as abortion and teenage birth. Since I served my mission, I had to teach the law of chastity to people, so I saw many people who are struggling with this problem. I saw one lady, she had a kid without marriage. She was going through a tough time. She had to work for her living as well as take care of her kid. I could imagine how difficult it would be. However, I was happy because she took responsibility for her kid. Another problem is abortion. Since I am a member of the church, having a baby is a great blessing. However, some people think that is not a blessing because those kids are from the wrong sexual relationships, so what they do is to get rid of babies. It made me so sad because they have their lives, but their lives were decided by their parents. Because of this week's study, I learned again that the law of chastity is the commandment of God. This commandment helps families to have joy in their lives.

Since I was able to see many cases from this week's study, I thought about how I could prepare myself for that relationship. It will prevent many sexual problems in married life. Also, I need to continue to remind myself that everyone is different. I can't fit others to me. If I understand them first, others will start to understand me, especially in a couple. It shouldn't be stopped even though they got married. Married life will require a lot more understanding of each other.

From this class, I kept learning that I have to prepare so many things in order to have a happy family. This is something that I can prepare right now. 

Hyeon Jang
